Sex is on our mind. It's on our mind A LOT. Why wouldn't it be? It's natural, feels great and gives us something to do on long winter nights, whether alone or with someone else. So far so good, but what happens when we talk about it? We face sniggering, misinformation, judgement, shame. There are mixed messages, fear, embarrassment and most importantly, the expectation that we have to comply with certain social norms. It's tangled, messy and a total mood-killer. There's something else that we've noticed: sex is everywhere and affects everything, it's embedded into the fabric of everyday life. Sex affects our relationships, our bodies, the political climate, how we spend our money, the workplace our family life and even our mortality. Wherever we go, sex follows and it's absolutely fascinating. sex+ was born from this curiosity and a deep yearning to unashamedly tell stories that are real. We're not interested in 'normal' - what is normal anyway? Let's talk about what's really going on.
Who are we?
We are a team of sex enthusiasts from various countries and walks of life who spend hours and hours talking about sex. We also love exploring sexuality and think the world would be a much friendlier place with more intimacy, touch, connection and communication between humans. We have taken our thoughts, explorations and conversations and we've poured them into this magazine for you.
We sincerely hope that you will join us on this journey of discovery and that you will bring your stories, to expand what is possible for the world.
Phil Moore, Editor
Catriona Calchini, Editor
Credit: Beatrice Portinari